The Bible is not an ordinary book as 2 Peter 1:21 says, “For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets though human spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” Part of prophecy is the Holy Scriptures these words are Gods primary message to us, thus making them prophecy. For prophecy is a word from God at its heart. Clearly from 2 Peter 1:21 we see that prophecy is from God, the prophet was merely the messenger God used. The Word of God then is the primary source of prophecy and must be foundational as prophecy.
God has given us his word and by His Word we have the ability to know God. To claim that we know God but we do not know what he says in his Word is scandalous. John 1:1 says that in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the Word was God. If God is his word, as it says, we need to read the word of God and know God by the revelation of His word that he has given us. It is only in the Bible that we find God telling us what he thinks, how he feels, and what he has done. This is the foundation of knowing God.
There are two ways to know God one is through the His word, but the other is general knowledge through creation. While creation gives us general revelation about God (Romans 1:20). This means that through creation we can see that God exists through observing nature, but this is not a knowledge that leads to salvation and relationship with God. It is only through the Word of God that we really grow in our knowledge and understanding of God and how to live in a manner that pleases Him.
How can we claim to know God, and yet, not know His word? We have a great privilege as believers in Christ to have been left an extensive testimony of who Christ was and the things that he did in his life. Jesus is the word became flesh and he made his dwelling among us we must study his life and emulate it. We can not be like God the Father, but we can be like the Son. If fact we are told to do the things that Jesus did, because Jesus was like us in every way.He put aside everything that it meant to be God and became human like us. His complete humanity makes it possible for us to do as Jesus did.