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Writer's pictureGrace Wick

Journal What God Highlights in John

Using the word W-O-R-D to write your way through the book of John for Children and Families

John is a foundational book to start the Bible Reading and Journaling pilgrimage. As your guide I will explain why and what you will gain from starting in the book of John.

Uniqueness of John's Gospel

I will not get into a scholarly debate concerning the Book of John and whether it belongs in the Bible as some might want. The book of John is unlike any of the other gospels. John is one of only two of our Gospel writers that wrote from a firsthand perspective on the life and ministry of Jesus. While Matthew writes from what he knew of Jesus, he is a far more analytical disciple of Jesus than John was. This is one of the things that makes John’s writing so much different than the others. John writes from a relational perspective. He does not seem so enthralled with the miraculous healings and signs Jesus performed as he is with the divine relationship that Jesus has with God the Father. John has found in Jesus the most significant relationship he can imagine. So, he shares what he has learned about relationships. We gain a glimpse into the relationship that he has with Jesus and the relationship that Jesus and the Father have with one another.

The Word is Spirit

There is another central reason why I think John is such an important book to start with when reading and journaling through scripture. There is no other Gospel that tells us as much about what it means to be born again of the Spirit of God and how this second birth is to take place. Were there no dark of night meeting between Jesus and Nicodemus we would have to gain our understanding of what it means to be born again somewhere else or maybe even struggle immensely to understand this imperative topic at all. Because God is Spirit in essence, so is his word. While there are analytical and scholarly approaches to reading and understanding the Bible, this is not an approach I wish to go into here. So we are left with the need to understand a book given to us by divine revelation through the Spirit of God. Please understand that a man must be born again of the Spirit of God to understand the Word of God. This need to be born again cannot be overemphasized. John paints us a clear picture of this born-again process that lays the foundation for all understanding of Scripture.

Jesus Defines Relationship with God

The third thing that I find unique about the book of John is the constant return and expanding on the relationship of absolute unity between the Father and the Son Jesus. Repeatedly throughout the book of John we return to the idea that there was absolute oneness between the Father and Jesus. Jesus did nothing he did not see the Father doing. He (Jesus) said nothing the Father did not say. Jesus told his disciples that if they had seen him, they had seen the Father. (John 14) In the end of his time on earth Jesus tells us to have the same relationship with Him that he has with the Father. All of these unique qualities make John a significant starting place to journal through the Bible.

My Own Journaling Example

Here is a beginning example from my own journaling process. I will start with the W- of the w-o-r-d process defined in my prior blog. When I started reading John chapter 1 I choose John 1:30-34 so I wrote out all of those verses like this:

John 1:30-34 NIV

This is the one I meant when I said, ‘A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’ I myself did not know him, but the reason I came baptizing with water was that he might be revealed to Israel.”

Then John gave this testimony: “I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him. And I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.’ I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One.

Personal Challenge

The handwritten form took me almost a whole page of my notebook. I struggle with keeping my scripture passage short because I never want to take my verses out of context when I am writing about them, so I copy more than I probably need.

Blessing to you

I will end this day's blog at this example of a set of verses which I choose recently and pick up again in the future with the observation step of journaling.

May the Love of Jesus capture your heart. He loves you more than you can fathom.


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