Deuteronomy 6 is the backbone of my conviction that we need to change our families orientation to the Word of God.
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
4“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! 5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
6 “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
The Israelite were about to enter the Promised land in Deuteronomy 6 and Joshua is commanding the people, the families to create a sub culture within their families where the Word of God is central to life. If you are going to love the Lord our God with all your heart, soul and mind the Word of God has to be a major part of everyday life. Please think about what God is saying in Deuteronomy with me for a moment. We do not just teach them to our child, we diligently teach them which means we are careful to not just read the Word of God but to carefully teach our children with thoughtfulness and with a great deal purpose. We can not just read the words on the pages of our Bible, we have to think about them and remember them.
We are creating a culture in our homes where the Word of God is what we talk about, and think about. For the Word to be on our heart it has to be central in our lives. Families need to have the word of God be part of their morning, noon and night. Everywhere we are, the Word of God has value. At home, walking along the way, driving somewhere. The Word needs to be there always. That is what God is saying in binding them as a sign on your hands and on your door frames. The Word of God needs to permeate the life of the family.
I am convicted that in order to create a subculture where the Word of God is central in our family lives we need to read and meditate (journal) together. If families will read the same chapter from the Bible in an intentional Bible reading plan they can interact with God's Word together. So we read our Bible and follow the WORD pattern to listen to what God is saying to us and share what we are reading and writing together.
When we read a chapter a day, choose a verse or two to write about, it we will accomplish what Deuteronomy commands. We will keep the Word of God in our hearts, remember what we have read and create an atmosphere where the Word of God is part of every aspect of our lives. To actually write out a verse or two helps us remember what we have read. To make observations helps us see what the Word says and allows us to see what it means. And then to write out our revelation allows us to apply the Word of God to our lives. And finally to write out our devotion or prayer asks God to make the Word real and livable in our lives.
The final aspect is for families to share day by day the Word of God they are reading and writing about and, in return, bringing them into the fulness of what Deuteronomy commands us to do as families - sharing the Word of God together.